Web Designing – An innovative way to represent your thinking

The Web designing can be best explained as “Theoretical layout of graphics, text, and images which will eventually be developed into a Web site.” It’s one thing to create a set of web pages, it’s another thing entirely to make a good looking, cohesive and well-designed set of web pages. Just as other media needs thoughtful consideration into layout, format, white-space balance, so too the web.

Here are the few tips which are very help-full to designing a good site.

Make sure your links work.
This will prevent disappointed readers. The best way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to test the pages several times – from different domains if possible, at minimum from different machines. Then check the error logs on a regular basis to make sure others aren’t finding bad links on your pages that you missed.
Page content should be limited.
The axiom less is more holds particularly true for the web. The nature of browsing has allowed us to break information into suitably digestible pieces, with a quick link to the next piece in the flow. This also gives the reader a chance to change their mind before going on without the necessity of loading a very long document to decide. Exceptions to the rule exist – if the sole reason a document exists on the web is to have someone print it out, then the content being on a single page is quite handy. On the other hand if you’re just doing that so you don’t have to produce a real html version of the document you’re being lazy.
Consider white-space balance
As in art, balance between objects, between dark and light, is necessary. Look at the page from a moderate distance – do you mostly see dark or light? If the former, consider modifying the page to lighten it up. Information is easier to absorb if it doesn’t saturate the page.
Maintain stylistic coherence with graphics
This is just a common sense design approach – continuity of design elements. Carry it throughout your pages. Another way to say this is that buttons and icons should look like they were created by the same artist.
Avoid dead-end links
Give your readers a “way out” of your pages that is to your advantage. Don’t make them dependent on the back button to see more. Perhaps after reading one section of your information the next logical place to go would be to another section, and not necessarily back to the top. Give them a choice to take either path.
Place important information at or near the top of the page
It should be visible when the page first appears. If someone needs to scroll to see it they may miss it. This is particularly true with What’s New links and chronological listings – the latest information should be first.
Indicate size on large files that will be downloaded
This is a courtesy to modem users in particular!
Place links on the word that describes where the link goes – never on the word “here”
Need any more be said?
Avoid “generic web information”
Don’t waste your own space helping users get to NCSA or CERN – they came to your pages to read about you (exception – if you’re providing an web indexing service you will certainly include those types of links!)
Make titles very descriptive
Titles show up at the top of browsers, get saved on bookmark lists and hotlists – they need to say more than “stuff” for them to be a good reference back to your pages.

By integrating accessibility into your web design and development process you can efficiently create web sites and web applications that work effectively for more people in more situations.

for more details on Web design, be continue….

Source:The Elements of Style

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